Alfred D. Robinson Early ABS Mentor

Alfred D. Robinson Early ABS Mentor

In 1931, the depths of the Depression, a group of Long Beach professional people formed The California Begonia Society. There were several educators, a realtor, an attorney, local nurserymen, and others. The group soon looked to the neighboring towns for other Begonia...
Begonia Species

Begonia Species

Species begonias are begonias that grow in the wild somewhere in the world.  There are several hundred species of begonias in the world, many still waiting to be discovered.  Many species of begonias have been in cultivation for a few hundred years however.  They come...

Seed Creating

Creating seed is both necessary and fun. It is necessary to keep our beloved species in cultivation. It allows us to send these beauties around the world in a way that cuttings can not. It is fun because of the joy that comes after producing a new hybrid that knocks...

Promoting Researchers

Begonia Researchers and Explorers across the Globe The American Begonia Society is grateful for the talented and dedicated pool of researchers and explorers around the globe, all of whom work tirelessly to refine, expand, and protect the family Begoniaceae. Mark C....

